
Robert H. Payne, M.D.

Licensure: South Carolina 6767

Educational Background:

  • Wofford College, 1965-1966
  • University of South Carolina, 1966-1969 BA in History
  • University of Warwick, Coventry, England 1969
  • Medical University of South Carolina, MD 1973
  • Residency in Psychiatry, Medical University of South Carolina, 1973-1976
  • Postgraduate training, The Family Center of Psychiatry, Georgetown, University, 1982-1985


Chief Resident and Teaching Fellow, Department of Psychiatry,
MUSC, July 1975-December 1976

Psychiatric Consultant to the Baptist College of Charleston,
January 1977-December 1979

Psychiatric Section Chief, Charleston County Community Mental Health Center
June 1976- May 1980

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina
July 1976 to June 1981

Private Practice of Psychiatry
July 1980 to present

Unit Director, Crisis Intervention Unit
Southern Pines Hospital, September 1982- October 1987

Faculty-Center for Family Theory and Therapy
August 1988 – June 1999

Papers presented:

  • “Works in Progress,” a Yearly symposium sponsored by the Center for Family Theory and Therapy
  • 1993 – Natural Systems
  • 1994 – “Evolution and Differentiation of Self”
  • 1995 – “Self Organization in Natural Systems”
  • 1996 – “Emotional Cut-off in Families”


  • South Carolina Medical Association
  • Charleston County Medical Association
  • Sierra Club
  • Lowcountry Coastal Conservation League

Linda B. Jennings, M.ED, LPC

Professional Counselor
S.C. License #2625

Anxiety is an instinctive emotional barrier to change. It can make us sick and tired and still keep us from doing anything different than how we’ve always done it. And even though how we do it may not be working, anxiety drives us to try harder to make it work rather than to give it up and try something else. This phenomenon seems to operate in all our human relationship combinations.

Utilizing the art therapy modality, I offer a non-directive, minimally threatening way to approach important aspects of emotional reality that an individual may be anxiously avoiding. This therapy can encourage connections between family members as well as intrapersonal connections. It supports emotional healing in that there is the opportunity to make the desired outcome concrete in a representative form. Envisioning what one wants to be or to have has the same relevance to achieving it as having plans has to building a house. When a child is the identified client I make use of creative art, music and play to create the least anxious environment possible in which to observe them and their family. Working with both child and parent(s) allows the opportunity to identify sources of stress and problem-solve more effective parenting strategies.

Work History:

  • 1994 to present: Charleston Family Center, LLC
  • 1989-1993: Graduate School at the Citadel
  • 1971-1990: Keeping Home for husband and children.
  • 1968-1971: Richland Co., SC Department of Public Welfare, Services caseworker to 400 families.

Counseling Education:

  • Queens College, Charlotte, NC, 1968-BA Sociology
  • The Citadel, Charleston, SC, 1993-M.ED; Clinical Counseling

Art Therapy Training:

Atlanta Art Therapy Institute: Apprenticeship with Elizabeth Weathersby, ATR-1990 including independent reading on Art Therapy; Classes in Art Therapy Techniques and Materials, Mandalas, Color theory. Suzanne Fincher, ATR, MA- study of Mandalas.

Art Training:

  • Cleveland Institute of Art: Design and Composition – 1967
  • Queens College, Charlotte, NC’- Courses: Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, 1964-1968
  • Painting workshops with Sondra Freckleton, Charles Pamelle, Ray Goodbred -1990’s
  • Bill Jamison – oil painting 2008.
  • On-Going Study in Bowen Theory - Bowen Center for the Study of the Family, Georgetown Family Center, 4400 MacArthur Blvd, NW Suite 103, Washington, DC 20007.

Harriet Anne Nason, MN, LISW-CP

My work with people is aimed at having them take care of themselves as individuals and in their relationships. I encourage being the best self possible and being connected. Myself and my relationships are where I experiment with the ideas and principles of Bowen’s Family Systems Theory which is the framework for my practice.

I learn what I can from my own experiences and offer that information to clients to support their ability to do some informed experimentation in their own lives. I offer myself as a resource who has lots of experience with struggling with our human condition. I listen mindfully, sharing the questions that come to my mind about what I’m hearing. Then I offer my observations about what my client may be contributing to their situation’s not being satisfactory. From there we can problem-solve some strategies that might have different outcomes.

There seems to be little benefit in identifying “why”, diagnosing, criticizing, blaming or perceiving sides so I don’t support putting energy into those actions. My attention is on what is happening, its impact, and how to relate rather than react to it. I look for and utilize whatever tools are available to develop skills to calm anxiety, to foster relating to self and others in positive ways that can allow emotional healing. I work with clients who have adapted to emotional imbalances so long that their anxiety level has surpassed what they can contain and is manifesting in symptoms that qualify them for psychiatric diagnoses. I also work with clients who are experiencing emotional distress such as grief, chronic physical illness, chaotic family life and/or unsatisfactory relationships. I work with individuals, couples, parents and children to accomplish their goals for being able to feel more successful at managing themselves with what life brings them.


  • South Carolina State Board of Nursing #17628
  • Licensed Independent Social Worker #2502

Educational background:

North Charleston High School, June 1965

Medical University of South Carolina, Sept 1966- June 1970 BS in Nursing

University of South Carolina, June 1976 Masters in Nursing

Georgetown University, Washington, DC, June 1981 Special Postgraduate Training Program


Staff Nurse, Inpatient Unit, Charleston Mental Health Center Nov
1970 – June 1972

Head Nurse, Inpatient Service, Charleston Mental Health Center
June 1972 – Sept 1977

Assistant to the Director, responsible for implementing state pilot project to involve local mental health center in emergency involuntary admissions to state institutions
Sept 1977 – Sept 1979

Assistant to the Director, responsible for the Mental Health Center’s services which provided intake, emergency room psychiatric evaluations and crisis counseling
Sept 1979 – June 1980

Private Practice Charleston Family Center, LLC
June 1980 to present

Staff Nurse, Southern Pines Hospital, Charleston, SC
June 1981 – Nov 1982

Instructor in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, College of Nursing, Medical University of South Carolina
Sept 1982 – June 1985

Facilitator for the ROPES Challenge Course, Charleston County PRC
Sept 1988 – June 1998

Faculty member The Center for Family Theory and Therapy Columbia, South Carolina
Sept 1988 – June 1999

Charleston Family Center is a psychiatric and counseling practice serving South Carolina families more than 30 years.